
Can I take A Moment

to brag on my hubby? He is a soccer coach (football if your from Europe). A damn good one. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so in love with a sport as this man is. We all eat, sleep, dream, and live by football (literally), whether we like it or not. But because of his passion, he gives of himself 100% when he is coaching, and it shines through in his teams.

Before I met John, I didn't know much about soccer, but I sure have learned a lot in the past 18 years of knowing him. I was there to watch him as he played for UNCC. I was there to watch him coach his first club team and move through the ranks of Director of Coaching of Club team and finally as Head Coach of Catawba College.

I have grown to hate the game at times. The game takes him away from his family a lot. And there have been a few rough patches. It has taken a lot of adjusting, but I think we (girls included) understand now, that this crazy game is a vital part of John's life. I don't understand it, but I know that he would not be the same person if I were to ever ask him to leave this game. And believe me, there have been many times I would have loved to ask that very question.

John is having a great season. He wasn't sure how it would turn out, his team is very young, but I didn't worry much. He just has an uncanny way of pulling out the best in his players. Maybe they see his passion and love for what he does and makes them want to be better, I don't know, but it is really fun to watch. I admire him, because it must be so much fun to do what you love and be really good at it.

So Hon, if you read this, please know, that even though I may complain and grump a lot about your job, I still am so proud of you and will always be your #1 supporter and fan. Go Indians!!

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