Today, October 19th, would have been my Dad's 60th birthday. He died yesterday, the day before his birthday, four years ago. I can not believe he has been away from us for four years. There are times when I still forget he is dead. I have something exciting to share or a question to ask and just for a split second I think about calling him. Those moments don't happen quite as much as they used to and I feel bad, because I feel like I have forgotten him. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think of him as often as I used to. Am I a bad person for that? Or am I going on with this crazy thing we call life? But then there are those times when the hurt and pain of losing him is so raw that if feels like it just happened. I can't watch a movie with death or suffering without totally losing myself in the pain of Dad's death.
As of late, Mom has told me more and more that I remind her of Dad in my ways, personality and actions. I don't know if she means it as a compliment, but I like knowing that. I like knowing that in some weird way, my children will experience a little bit of my Dad through me. I like knowing that I will always have a piece of my Dad with me, that is part of me, what I am because of him. Stupid? Yeah, I guess, especially if you've never experienced loss. Poor John, he doesn't know what to do when I just start crying, out the blue, because some tiny little thing, that only I see or know, made me miss my Dad. He's learning though; all I need is a great big hug and a few minutes to collect myself.
So a big Happy Birthday to my Dad!!!! I love you and miss you more than ever.
Can I take A Moment
to brag on my hubby? He is a soccer coach (football if your from Europe). A damn good one. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so in love with a sport as this man is. We all eat, sleep, dream, and live by football (literally), whether we like it or not. But because of his passion, he gives of himself 100% when he is coaching, and it shines through in his teams.
Before I met John, I didn't know much about soccer, but I sure have learned a lot in the past 18 years of knowing him. I was there to watch him as he played for UNCC. I was there to watch him coach his first club team and move through the ranks of Director of Coaching of Club team and finally as Head Coach of Catawba College.
I have grown to hate the game at times. The game takes him away from his family a lot. And there have been a few rough patches. It has taken a lot of adjusting, but I think we (girls included) understand now, that this crazy game is a vital part of John's life. I don't understand it, but I know that he would not be the same person if I were to ever ask him to leave this game. And believe me, there have been many times I would have loved to ask that very question.
John is having a great season. He wasn't sure how it would turn out, his team is very young, but I didn't worry much. He just has an uncanny way of pulling out the best in his players. Maybe they see his passion and love for what he does and makes them want to be better, I don't know, but it is really fun to watch. I admire him, because it must be so much fun to do what you love and be really good at it.
So Hon, if you read this, please know, that even though I may complain and grump a lot about your job, I still am so proud of you and will always be your #1 supporter and fan. Go Indians!!
Before I met John, I didn't know much about soccer, but I sure have learned a lot in the past 18 years of knowing him. I was there to watch him as he played for UNCC. I was there to watch him coach his first club team and move through the ranks of Director of Coaching of Club team and finally as Head Coach of Catawba College.
I have grown to hate the game at times. The game takes him away from his family a lot. And there have been a few rough patches. It has taken a lot of adjusting, but I think we (girls included) understand now, that this crazy game is a vital part of John's life. I don't understand it, but I know that he would not be the same person if I were to ever ask him to leave this game. And believe me, there have been many times I would have loved to ask that very question.
John is having a great season. He wasn't sure how it would turn out, his team is very young, but I didn't worry much. He just has an uncanny way of pulling out the best in his players. Maybe they see his passion and love for what he does and makes them want to be better, I don't know, but it is really fun to watch. I admire him, because it must be so much fun to do what you love and be really good at it.
So Hon, if you read this, please know, that even though I may complain and grump a lot about your job, I still am so proud of you and will always be your #1 supporter and fan. Go Indians!!
We had a short visit with Latisha and her little munchkins this past Saturday. She stopped by while down here on a camping trip. They have both grown so much since Easter. My girls had a great time catching up with their cousins. Unfortunately I only have a picture of the little one. Sharing a couple of Gabbi.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Yesterday I met with Bailey and Peyton's teacher for their Parent/Teacher Conferences. And I was relieved to find that both are doing well thus far. I felt that things were going okay, no notes from the teacher and they have been doing their homework without struggle. But I was concerned with their reading. As you well know, I have worried about their reading abilities since Kindergarten. That is why we kept them back last year. But I am pleased to report that they are both above the average on their reading levels, which is a great relief to me. Their teachers said that both were good students. Yea!
The One and Only...
My Reagan Girl. She has many nicknames for herself, Penny (because she always finds pennies on the ground), the Talker (because she talks nonstop!), just a couple for ya. But to me she is Squirt. I tell her daily she is my favorite Reagan and she kindly replies "And you are my favorite Mommy." She is growing up daily, not my little baby anymore. Her personality is really beginning to shine through. I think she is going to be my most outgoing of the three. She is very confident in herself and has a style all her own. She loves singing and dancing and is very good at it, she has stage presence. I watch her in her room imitating Hannah Montana and I laugh until I cry. She loves clothes and changes her outfits at least three times a day. The girl is only four (well almost five), what am I going to do when she is 14?? Here are some photos I took of her today before pre-school. It is finally cooling off down here and I am able to pull out some fall clothes. She looked so cute I just had to snap a few. The other is a Reagan outfit, the hat is her signature. Even as crazy as she looks, she could pull it off. Gotta love it.

Triple Coupons!!!
Yes, I admit it. I have gotten into couponing and have become a bit obsessive about it. But it has made my used to be dreaded grocery shopping trips much more fun.
It all started this past summer when my neighbor invited me to go to a couponing class with her. I thought it a bit funny, but went out of curiosity. I was so overwhelmed by the class, but excited to give it a try. I came home, bought a notebook binder, some baseball card holders, and come Sunday, I bought four papers, cut and sorted my coupons. My husband laughed at me and didn't believe that 1) I'd ever really save as much as the Coupon Lady claimed (she said we should cut our groceries at least in half) and 2) I would ever commit to doing this.
The next week it happen to be triple coupon week at Lowes Foods, so my neighbor and the Coupon Lady (the lady who taught the class) went shopping with our coupons in tow. That night I bought almost $80.00 worth of groceries and paid a whopping $20.00! I was hooked.
I have been doing this now since the end of July and have most definitely cut my grocery shopping bills in half, if not more. Today was triple coupons again at Lowes and I did my best yet at saving. I bought $178.00 worth of groceries and paid a whopping $26.00! I bought only what was on sale and used coupons for everything. Needless to say I am pretty damn proud of myself.
I had to laugh at a recent post that my cousin-in-law (???) made on her blog about a woman who complained about a $.20 discrepency on her receipt. I am that woman. No, I don't think I would complain about $.20, but I have over $2.00. Hey, it all adds up. The more money I can save from my grocery shopping, the more money I can spend on my clothes shopping! :)
Happy Savings.
Coupon Update: I heard through the grapevine that some of the other shoppers were upset that we took a lot of the store items and that Lowes Food wanted to kick us out of the store yesterday because we were buying everything. For the record, we didn't buy everything. There was plenty of items left, but we got our behinds out of bed at 5am so that we could be at the store when it opened at 6am. So could have the others. Although there were a few other people shopping, the store was basically empty even when we left at 9am. Just like any other sale, if you want the good stuff you have to get there early. And as far as Lowe's is concerned why have triple coupon sales if you don't want people to use their coupons? Me just venting.
It all started this past summer when my neighbor invited me to go to a couponing class with her. I thought it a bit funny, but went out of curiosity. I was so overwhelmed by the class, but excited to give it a try. I came home, bought a notebook binder, some baseball card holders, and come Sunday, I bought four papers, cut and sorted my coupons. My husband laughed at me and didn't believe that 1) I'd ever really save as much as the Coupon Lady claimed (she said we should cut our groceries at least in half) and 2) I would ever commit to doing this.
The next week it happen to be triple coupon week at Lowes Foods, so my neighbor and the Coupon Lady (the lady who taught the class) went shopping with our coupons in tow. That night I bought almost $80.00 worth of groceries and paid a whopping $20.00! I was hooked.
I have been doing this now since the end of July and have most definitely cut my grocery shopping bills in half, if not more. Today was triple coupons again at Lowes and I did my best yet at saving. I bought $178.00 worth of groceries and paid a whopping $26.00! I bought only what was on sale and used coupons for everything. Needless to say I am pretty damn proud of myself.
I had to laugh at a recent post that my cousin-in-law (???) made on her blog about a woman who complained about a $.20 discrepency on her receipt. I am that woman. No, I don't think I would complain about $.20, but I have over $2.00. Hey, it all adds up. The more money I can save from my grocery shopping, the more money I can spend on my clothes shopping! :)
Happy Savings.
Coupon Update: I heard through the grapevine that some of the other shoppers were upset that we took a lot of the store items and that Lowes Food wanted to kick us out of the store yesterday because we were buying everything. For the record, we didn't buy everything. There was plenty of items left, but we got our behinds out of bed at 5am so that we could be at the store when it opened at 6am. So could have the others. Although there were a few other people shopping, the store was basically empty even when we left at 9am. Just like any other sale, if you want the good stuff you have to get there early. And as far as Lowe's is concerned why have triple coupon sales if you don't want people to use their coupons? Me just venting.
Just for you Shannon....
Ah, finally, I am posting the pics of my little cousin. Sorry it took so long, Shannon. Now to just burn them onto a cd and mail it to you.....
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