
A few more to share...

Some photos to share...

Just posting some photos to share with all of you who haven't seen the girls for awhile. Enjoy....


Another tooth gone....

Yes, Bailey has managed to pull another of her front teeth within days of losing the other. She came home Friday afternoon announcing proudly that her tooth was bleeding because she had been pushing it all day. When I had a look I could see that it was just hanging. I told her to try pulling instead of pushing, and when she did it fell right out. She was, of course, thrilled. That night, she neatly placed her small tooth in a ziploc baggie, so that it wouldn't get lost. Under the pillow it went. But, disaster, the next morning when Bailey awoke, there was her tooth, still under her pillow. THE TOOTH FAIRY HAD FORGOTTEN TO COME!!!!!! Ahem... well just as I was preparing a story as to why the toothfairy didn't come, I was saved by Bailey's own explanation. She had decided that it was because she couldn't sleep very well the night before and the tooth fairy would not come while she was awake. Phewwww!!!!! SAVED!!!! The next night the Toothfairy came shortly after Bailey fell asleep,leaving a small note explaining the very reason for not coming the night before as well as a small token for the tooth.

Catawba College Soccer Reunion

Well, we certainly got a fill of soccer this past weekend!!! Catawba held a Soccer Reunion in which all players past and present were invited to attend a luncheon and cheer on the teams as they played in front of a home crowd. It was fun, the girls were great troopers considering they had to spend most of their Saturday on a soccer field. But really, they had a lot of fun, because there were loads of other kids to play with and they just wore themselves out running around. Both the men's and women's teams got wins. Later in the evening John and I had a chance to join some of the alumni players for dinner and drinks. I think John really enjoyed himself, getting to catch up with his girls. I'm sure he's pretty exhausted from two early mornings in a row (poor fella), but I think it was a success. I,on the other hand, have had enough soccer talk to last me for quite awhile.


"Are they going to learn about Jejus?"

A kid quote from my three year old. This past Wednesday, Bailey and Peyton began faith formation classes in our church. After dropping them off, Reagan, my sweet baby girl, looked up at me and asked me "Are they going to learn about Jejus?". Of course, living in the south, my children have picked up that wonderful southern accent, so 'Jejus' sounded more like 'Jeaaajus'. Oh, too cute. Sometimes you just want to stop time and keep them at that sweet innocent age forever. Now, ask me tomorrow, and I will be asking when will they be 18 and ready to leave this house?!!


She's Beautiful

What the fffff.....?

This is the new saying with my two youngest children. The "fffff" is the sound they make when saying the colorful statement. And where did they learn this....that would be their Daddy. Yes, Daddy, who stops himself just before pronouncing the full out f-bomb, has tainted our precious children. Reagan has recently added her own "What the heck?" instead of the 'f' sound at the end. We have always been careful not to swear in front of the children, "stupid" and "shut-up" have gotten the "ooooohh, she said a bad word!!!!" But my husband being the great man that he is always lets a few good ones slip out, especially when talking with his freinds. When he actually heard little Reagan say it this morning, what do you think he did? After holding back his laughter, he stated proudly "That's my daughter!!!!" MEN!!!


The Tooth Fairy better watch out!!!

This child is on a pull out all of her baby teeth. Bailey has always been about the money. She searches for $$$ on the streets everytime we are out. And she finds it!! So when her two front teeth became loose, she was determined to pull those babies out because they were worth some dough. Well, finally Sunday while at Grandma's house one finally fell out. She had messed with it so much it was literally hanging by a root. Grandma actually pulled it with a string!!! Bailey couldn't wait to go to bed that night, with high hopes of waking up to a small fortune under her pillow. That didn't happen, but she was happy enough with her earnings. Now onto the next victim, I mean tooth.....


Celebrating 9 years together

This Wednesday my hubby and I will have been together as Husband and wife for 9 years. We've actually been a couple far longer, going on 16 years. Whoa!!!! Where does the time go??? We aren't going to be able to celebrate on the 20th because, of course, DH has a soccer game. So we made a day of it today. Bailey was with Grandma and Jess, our very favorite babysitter, came down to stay with Peyton and Reagan. It was so nice to spend some time together w/o the munchkins. As much as I love them, I miss my individual time with my love. We didn't do anything super special, but it was still great to be together. We ate lunch, and then did some damage at the mall. Well, we actually walked a lot and spent a little, thinking more about Christmas shopping for the little 'uns. My, how things have changed. We enjoyed a nice dinner at our favorite Indian Restaurant before picking up Bailey and going home. Back to the mad house. But I'm so thankful I've got it.


Let's Go To The Fair...

Bailey is spending the weekend with Grandma soJohn and I decided to take Peyton and Reagan to the Cabarrus County Fair. It was your typical County Fair, complete with Pig Races, Horse Rides, Ferris Wheel, and all sorts of people!!! I tell you what, they all come out to the fair. We had fun, though. The girls got to ride some rides (none too daring because Mom wasn't in the mood to ride), play some games and win small prizes, and of course, eat cotton candy. How come food we wouldn't dream of eating on a day-to-day basis looks and smells soooo darn good at the fair??

"The Good Work Award"
Thursday, my oldest, Bailey, came home with this award from school. Two emotions came to me...excitement because I am so proud of my daughter for working hard in school and doubt. The second feeling requires a little background. We decided last year to keep Bailey in the 1st grade again. She did okay, but struggled with some key issues last year. I had many tearful nights last year with coming to terms that both my daughters (I have one who is repeating kindergarten as well) were failing kindergarten and first grade. I thought this was the easy part of school. But finally I came to terms with it and my hubby and I both agreed it to be the best decision. So when school began this year I have high hopes and a knotted stomach. Will they do ok? Is there something wrong with them? What did I do? So Bailey's award is great, but did her teacher just give her that to boost her confidence? We both want a great year for her, so did she truly deserve it? Terrible I know, but I so want her to do well this year. My doubts were even more when I received a note from the teacher saying that she wanted to personally tutor Bailey every week. I should be thrilled of the personal attention she is receiving and I am. I am all for the tutoring, but the pride in me is questioning, "Is she already struggling again?" Her teacher hasn't shown any concerns and maybe just wants to make sure that Bailey's year is successful. I just want perfection for my girls, its wrong, I know, it is impossible, but I don't want them to struggle with anything. I love them more than anything. Enough of my rambling...


My first post, my first blog. I haven't a clue what I'm doing, but hopefully I will figure it out as I go. I wanted to do this because I'm terrible at keeping in touch with family. So hopefully this will be a better way to do so. We shall see.