Yes, Bailey has managed to pull another of her front teeth within days of losing the other. She came home Friday afternoon announcing proudly that her tooth was bleeding because she had been pushing it all day. When I had a look I could see that it was just hanging. I told her to try pulling instead of pushing, and when she did it fell right out. She was, of course, thrilled. That night, she neatly placed her small tooth in a ziploc baggie, so that it wouldn't get lost. Under the pillow it went. But, disaster, the next morning when Bailey awoke, there was her tooth, still under her pillow. THE TOOTH FAIRY HAD FORGOTTEN TO COME!!!!!! Ahem... well just as I was preparing a story as to why the toothfairy didn't come, I was saved by Bailey's own explanation. She had decided that it was because she couldn't sleep very well the night before and the tooth fairy would not come while she was awake. Phewwww!!!!! SAVED!!!! The next night the Toothfairy came shortly after Bailey fell asleep,leaving a small note explaining the very reason for not coming the night before as well as a small token for the tooth.
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