Monday was Bailey's 9th birthday. It was also Zoo Fieldtrip Day for Peyton's class. So we decided to combine the two and let Bailey skip school and join the fieldtrip. Our entire family was able to go to the zoo for free!! Whoopeee! It was an absolute gorgeous day, perfect weather for the zoo. It was a lot fun, but we were all worn out by the end. Afterwards we went out to dinner to a Mexican Restaurant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!! So we asked the staff to sing "Happy Birthday", so they brought a huge sombrero along with dessert. After singing they pushed the dessert into her face, she thought it was hilarious! Then, of course we came home to open presents. Lots of fun. The best part is Daddy's gifts. Every year John puts together a special basket of goodies. It is full of kinds of goodies and the girls love it. Very neat, I think. They will remember it forever. All in all it was a great day.
But I just can't believe my little Bailey girl is now 9!! We have truly hit the 'tween' stage. It is amazing how it just kind of kicks in. It is a challenge, and I am really curious how the teen years are going to be. Three girls in the teens together?? God help us.
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