
Shopping again...

Hit CVS and Walgreens yesterday afternoon after sorting through the Sunday newspaper's coupons. What you see in the photo I got for $4.80. Plus I earned more ECB's to use for my next CVS run. Before coupons I spent over $100 ($103.58 to be exact). I accidently bought the Sunsilk conditioner instead of the shampoo, so I will go back to get the shampoos. And then I think I might try to sell some of the shampoo and conditioner to John's college girls. Where else would they get this shampoo for a $1??

Anyway, if you think I am bit crazy, you're probably right, but we are on a tight budget as of late and this satisfies my shopping crave with little damage to our banking account. If you haven't tried CVSing yet, you need to. However, be warned, it is very addicting. Thank goodness we have three CVS stores within 4 miles from our house.
Check my earlier posts for some great money saving sites.

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