
Happy Birthday To You...

Today is Peyton's birthday. She is turning 7. How can this be? Where does the time go? I can remember getting everything ready for her arrival. She was scheduled c-section, so we knew exactly when she was coming. It was kind of strange, because there was no labor at all. But what a cutie. Before having Peyton, I couldn't imagine loving another child as much as I did Bailey. But as soon as I saw her, my heart grew with a love I never knew was there. Peyton Michelle Cullen. The child her Nana called an angel. At times she is the most difficult of my three, but this child has a heart of gold. She takes everyone into her heart. She has the uncanny ability to know when you are hurting and need one of her special hugs or kisses. When I look at her, my heart swells so much it hurts. As we all do, I often get caught up in the days and forget how lucky I am to have her in my life. Thank you God, for bringing this special child into my life. She brightens my day just seeing her sweet angel face. Happy birthday sweet Peyton Girl. I love you so very much.

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