Today I went with Reagan and her preschool class to Patterson's Farm. We had a great time, it was a perfect fall day. We got to pet and feed some goats, bunnies, and horses. We even fed an Emu!!! Then we all made a scarecrow for the class. And afterwards we all went for the hay ride. At the end of the ride we were dropped off at the pumpkin patch and we searched for the perfect pumpkin, which Reagan took very seriously. She picked a great one. Mommy got one for herself, too. Next week Bailey and Peyton will be going to the Pumpkin Patch with their class and hopefully Dad and I will be able to join them as well. I know there won't be too many more Pumpkin Patch trips with our children so I want to cherish these times while I can.
1 comment:
You missed your calling. You should have been a photographer! You should also get back to blogging.
-Michael using Shannon's account.
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