
Sister Conversations

Lastnight the girls were in the shower. While cleaning around them I heard Bai and PeyPey talking about an upcoming dance for their school. PeyPey was telling Bai that a boy that she liked had asked her to the dance. WHAATT????!!! Anyways, Bai told her that she wasn't going if a noone asked her to go, but she didn't know who she wanted to ask her. They continued on and all the while their younger sis ReaRea kept trying to join in, "Hey guys!! Hey guys!!"

After what seemed like an hour long shower, I yelled at the girls to get out. While drying off ReaRea started crying. Bai asked what was wrong, to which Rea explained that she never gets to talk with them in the shower. So Bailey responds, "Peyton, do you mind?" and they proceeded to get back in the shower, water running, so that ReaRea could share her story with her sisters.

Nothing beats sisters!