Yesterday we decided to take the girls out to see our local baseball team, the Kannapolis Intimidators, play a game. We had never been to a game before, and figured it would be a fun family experience. After the game they were going to show "Shrek" on the field. So we loaded up and headed to the stadium for loads of family fun. Got our tickets, food (all the good stuff ~ hotdogs, fries, sodas) and sat down for the game. Not five minutes after sitting down, we noticed storm clouds rolling in. We were told they would not delay the game until it actually starting raining so we sat it out and watched the game. Next came the lightening, striking in the distance, but all around us. Then came the thunder, which totally freaked Reagan. But still we thought 'Noone else seems concerned, so we'll just keep an eye on it.' Then came the storm, I saw a huge flash of lightening and told John we needed to find shelter. The skies opened up, the wind started blowing and the rain came, no poured down. The rain, wasn't really the problem at first, it was the lightening striking all around the stadium and it was close now, crackling over the speaker system followed by a huge roar of thunder. Reagan was now sure we were going to die and latched onto me with her head buried deep. We all huddled under the main shelter, but soon were forced out of there because the wind was blowing the rain so hard in our direction that we were all getting soaked. So the crowd moved to the front of the building, trying to shield ourselves from the rain and wind. But it did not stop. It rained so hard that the water rose above our feet. We watched as people made a break for their cars and hoped it would let up soon so that Daddy could do the same for us. There was no convincing him to go out in the middle of the storm. While waiting, an older gentleman who worked at the stadium told us that we could keep out ticket stubs and come back for Saturday's game and they would let us in. There were even going to be fireworks afterwards. We asked the girls what they thought and they all answered in unison with an emphatic "No!!"
Finally after about 45 minutes, it did finally subside enough for John to get the car for us. While loading everyone up John said at least the rain would be good for the yard, which has suffered from the heat and little rain. But when we arrived home we noticed that it looked like it had rained very little. The storm had bypassed our house completely, a mere 15 minutes away from the stadium.
I don't know if we will try again on Saturday, we will have to watch the weather, but we will never forget our first baseball game.
Finally after about 45 minutes, it did finally subside enough for John to get the car for us. While loading everyone up John said at least the rain would be good for the yard, which has suffered from the heat and little rain. But when we arrived home we noticed that it looked like it had rained very little. The storm had bypassed our house completely, a mere 15 minutes away from the stadium.
I don't know if we will try again on Saturday, we will have to watch the weather, but we will never forget our first baseball game.